I Just Had to Stop In

Posted by Craig Britton on

Easter 2: Gospel, John 20:19-31 Just now with our “quarantine experience” so much a part of our lives, I’d wager some of us would like to jump in our vehicles and go visit someone … anyone. We cannot do that at present. Hopefully soon. But in this week’s gospel...

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There's Hope In "Hopeless"

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Easter 2: Second Reading, 1 Peter 1:3-9 Very much like last week’s Second Reading from Colossians chapter 3, this Sunday’s Second Reading is virtually pregnant with anticipated life. I love the Apostle Peter. Clear thinking. Focused love. Resolve filled with a sense of ...

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Taking the Hit

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Easter 2: First Reading, Acts 5:33-42 Oh man! This is a good one. Once again context demands we read a bit before the reading so head back to at least verse 17 to get a good running start. The disciples, in jail for preaching Christ have been miraculously set free (so easy to just read that...

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He Does Just What He Says

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Easter Day: Gospel, Matthew 28:1-10 I have this rather dark desire. And perhaps it isn’t expected on Easter, but here goes. After all, I’m a better sinner than most. I have this great desire to see the enemies of Jesus “get theirs” in the end. I know, I know. We’re...

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His Life, Our Life

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Easter Day: Epistle Reading, Colossians 3:1-4 Whenever I get to this passage I think, “Wow there is just so much here.” And there is. These four verses are just packed with great stuff. But just a moment to point us back to chapter two and verse twenty. Chapter three begins assuming...

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Up On the Housetop

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Easter Day: First Reading, Acts 10:34-43 The title above actually bodes better for the text just preceding what we are considering, but it is so integral to our text that it must be included. And the title is a good way to make connections. “Type and Shadow.” One of my favorite ways...

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We See What We Want to See

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Palm Sunday Procession: John 12:12-19 Well it’s here. The week of weeks. The week of our Lord’s Passion. And I want to say that in the most important ways it is absolutely no different than any other year. Why? Because, as much we love the special gatherings, music and readings of...

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Scattered Thoughts on a Unifying Theme

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Palm Sunday: Epistle, Philippians 2:5-11 Holy ground. Whenever we open our Bibles our hands are moving the soil of holy ground. But the epistle lesson for this weekend? Wow! Almost everyone agrees what Paul composes here is one of the earliest of Christian hymns. And the subject matter is...

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Who Are You Listening To?

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Palm Sunday OT, Isaiah 50:4-9a Back to Isaiah. Where last week we were walking just after one of the “Servant Songs,” this week we are right in the middle of one. Think with me. Some 700 years before the birth of our Savior, God through Isaiah is concerned with giving his OT people...

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If You Had Been There


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Lent 5: Holy Gospel, John 11:1-45 One of the most poignant accounts in all of Holy Scripture comes from John in chapter 11 of his gospel. It is familiar territory for lovers of the Bible for several reasons, chief of which may be that Jesus displays His power of death in the raising of his dear...

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