No Higher Court

Posted by Craig Britton on

Proper 12: Epistle, Romans 8:28-39

Our epistle reading this Sunday from the lectionary begins with a verse that all Christians love to quote. We run to it to remind ourselves, that even when dark clouds gather around us, God can be counted on. Yes God can be counted on to turn the tide of circumstances to favor us. Everything is good. Uh, no … wait. That isn’t quite what is written there in Romans 8:28. Paul does not record that everything the Christian encounters is good, but rather that God in His grace and mercy orchestrates all the things to serve the good. Our good. The path may not, however, always show itself rosy.

Paul then unpacks the ingredients and tosses around some of the most marvelous words in our English Bibles marking out the “first-to-last” work of God as He elects us in Christ, according to love. God does it all, (vv. 29-30).

So I would like to point out that when God accomplishes our salvation, our forgiveness in Christ, then it cannot be gainsaid. Verse 32 was one of the first verses I memorized as a new Christian in my college years, and it is a powerful reminder that in Christ Jesus, the believer has everything God can possibly promise. Stunning. Paul then asks, “Who shall bring any charge against God’s elect?” God has done all the legal messy work. Filed all the papers, secured the jury members and now sits as Judge. The Supreme Judge. And He has declared the believer in Christ to be so secure in His connection to Christ that nothing which comes against him or her can loosen the bonds of love which Christ has toward the saved one. The forgiven and declared righteous one. We do have the ability to sever the saving bond by choosing to end the connection. But why would we? How glorious is the place given to us by the Son of God Himself that the chapter which began with “No condemnation” concludes with “no separation.” That is, in Christ.

We are more than conquerors THROUGH HIM WHO LOVED US. That’s where we’re safe. That’s where He will keep us. That’s where He saved us: in His love.


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