Worry Wastes
Ninth Sunday after Pentecost: Gospel, Luke 12:22-34 Luke 12:22-34 Something common to nearly everyone in my life experience is the practice...
Ninth Sunday after Pentecost: Gospel, Luke 12:22-34 Luke 12:22-34 Something common to nearly everyone in my life experience is the practice...
Ninth Sunday after Pentecost; Psalms, Psalm 33:12-22 Psalm 33:12-22 In church circles these days the word “vision” has become a buzzword. What is unfortunate so often is that...
Ninth Sunday after Pentecost: Old Testament, Genesis 15:1-6 Genesis 15:1-6 “Standing on the promises of God.” These are the words from the refrain of an old gospel song that...
Eighth Sunday after Pentecost: Gospel, Luke 12:13-21 Luke 12:13-21 We all know there are certain words, words used in the Bible that we don’t use or hear much...
Eighth Sunday after Pentecost: Epistle, Colossians 3:1-11 Colossians 3:1-11 I often hear this thought spoken within the circles I frequent: “Right living comes from...
Eighth Sunday after Pentecost: Old Testament, Ecclesiastes 1: 1-2, 12-14; 2:18-26 Ecclesiastes 1: 1-2, 12-14; 2:18-26 Solomon’s wisdom is legend. Perhaps better to say that Solomon’s wisdom is legendary because that wisdom was real. It was a gift...
Seventh Sunday after Pentecost: Gospel, Luke 11:1-13 Luke 11:1-13 Our gospel this week is a familiar passage in that it is “take two” regarding the...
Seventh Sunday after Pentecost: Epistle, Colossians 2:6-15 Colossians 2:6-15 Paul spills ink in this letter so skillfully around the subject of Christ that it is hard not to be a good theologian if you have...
Seventh Sunday after Pentecost: Old Testament, Genesis 18:20-33 Genesis 18:20-33 We all love to read of the great faith of our Old Testament ancestors. And of course at the top of the heap is Father Abraham. From his pagan...
Sixth Sunday after Pentecost: Gospel, Luke 10:38-42 Luke 10:38-42 We just had a great example last week from the teaching of Jesus on the importance of serving our...