How Can It Be?

Posted by Craig Britton on

Proper 29: Old Testament, Malachi 3:13-18                              

Malachi 3:13-18

The gospel doesn’t only live in the New Testament. So many make the mistake of thinking the Old Testament is law, law, law and then comes Jesus and love. Nope. That would be a horrific reading of the Book.

God spends a good deal of His speaking through Malachi at the close of the Old Testament by accusing His people of how they have dishonored Him and His gifts. But then comes this declaration: “‘They shall be Mine,’ says the LORD of hosts, ‘On the day that I make them my jewels’” (Malachi 3:17). Note that He makes us His. He makes us to be His treasure. How can it be? Unbelievably wicked have been those under the Old Covenant. And equally wicked are we who live under infinitely greater blessing and yet spurn the Word of the Lord. How can it be?

To simply reply, “Oh, it is because He loves us so” though true, is somehow not sufficient. The truth in answering the question raised above is beyond me, beyond us all. God loves sinners. His Son takes on our flesh. Then He dies under the derision of the wicked and for them.

How can it be?


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