A dear friend of mine was still in-utero when his father died. His father said to his mother on his deathbed, “be sure to teach this baby about Jesus so that I can meet him one day in heaven when we’re both with Jesus.” That meeting has yet to occur, but, my friend knows Jesus...
Do you ever wonder what to pray about? Pray without ceasing is nice and all, but sometimes it seems unattainable at best, and totally impossible at worst. Certainly, we should pray to God in adoration for who He is and what He’s done for us. Absolutely, we should confess our sins regularly...
I have SO much to learn about God. Some of my greatest lessons come from children—my own and others’ children that I get the privilege to spend time with. Here are a few lessons on prayer from the kids in my life.
There’s No Prayer Too Small
Today, I was teaching a Bible class...