Along the Way at Back-to-School

The beginning of the school year is right around the corner. It’s hard to believe that the summer days are almost gone and we’re starting back into the hustle; we’re trying to get our last moments of retreat in. As we try to capture those moments of rest before the schedule changes again, we can also take moments for prayer and thinking intentionally about the school year ahead. Intentionality is something that’s simple, but not easy. Simple, because its’ not a big process; not easy, because we have to think a little differently than we are used to thinking.
As your family prepares to go back to school, here’s some simple ways to have intentional faith talks with your children:
- School Bus-Riding the bus with many other people going to the same place you are going is a lot like what it’s like to be in the Church. All of us are followers of Jesus as our Savior and we all want to live for Him…we’re all sitting there for the same purpose, because we want to go with Jesus where He goes. Jesus is driving the bus. What does it mean to let Jesus drive the bus (lead) you? What places or situations do you think He would lead you into? Away from?
- School Supplies-There’s an anticipation that comes from choosing fresh new folders for the classes and learning that’s coming in the year ahead. As you shop for the necessities or bring out some of the ones from last year, talk about what supplies we need for school. What supplies do we need for life? Who provides us with what we need for school and for life? How do we know?
- Backpack-Students of almost all ages carry a bag of some kind with them to and from school. Inside there are the homework assignments, creations of the day and any notes that the school wishes to share. A forgotten backpack is often cause for panic, especially as a child has more and more necessities inside. Talk about what would happen if we carried our faith with us like a backpack—to school and back home again. Remind your family that God is with us wherever we go. We cannot forget Him or leave Him behind. What does it mean to carry your faith with you wherever you go? How can faith be a part of our school or work day? What are the hard things about carrying faith with you? What are the good things about it?
- New Clothes/Shoes-We are all growing and changing each year. Kids grow physically so much that they need new clothes and shoes often. But we’re all growing and changing in other ways too. Besides your body, as a family think of and discuss other ways you each are growing and changing. How do we grow in our faith? When are we done growing in our faith? (Hint: Never!)
- Homework-Homework likely seems like a drag at least sometimes. We want to be able to play with something or someone and our homework occasionally hinders us from that. We know that ultimately studying helps us learn. How does studying/doing homework help us learn? What are some ways that we can study God’s Word this year? What might we learn when we do?
Deuteronomy 6:6-7 charges us to talk about faith as we go about life, “Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength. These commandments that I give you today are to be on your hearts. Impress them on your children. Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the way, when you lie down and when you get up.”
As your family heads back to school, may you also head with a renewed energy into sharing the faith with them as you all go about life together.
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