Lead In October 16-21, 2023

Posted by Kimber Walsh on

Lead your heart and your household into next Sunday using these ideas and resources in one or all six areas as you worship at home together to fulfill God’s discipleship calling. Pick and choose what is most suitable for your home, using what will work best with the ages, stages, personalities, and interests you have present.

May your family be blessed by the time spent together, worshiping our Mighty God!


Kimber Walsh, Director of Family Life Ministry

Read the Bible texts using different translations or age-appropriate children’s Bibles, act it out, use puppets or visual aids.

  • Isaiah 45:1-7
  • Psalm 96:1-13
  • 1 Thessalonians 1:1-10
  • Matthew 22:15-22


“I am YHWH, and there is no other; apart from me there is no God.”-Isaiah 45:5a

Listen to and sing the songs that will be a part of this week's worship service.

  1. God’s Power- Have one cup with water and another cup with bubbling soda. Place raisins in each cup, and note how the ones in the carbonated cup “dance” or float up towards the top. Explain how that carbonation is sort of like the power of God: things become possible with a little something extra. Talk about how we see God’s power at work in us and in the world.
  2. Thanksgiving-Send a note of thanksgiving for someone who has shared their faith or been an example of the faith to you. Talk about the blessing of having those faithful people in our lives.
  3. Whose Is It-Select some objects (including money—wallets/piggy banks) and sort them into piles asking “whose is it?” Talk about how all we have comes from God and how we are simply blessed with the use of these things (and even people are God’s too!).

Recitation: The Second Commandment [Luther’s Small Catechism, Blue p. 60, Maroon p. 61, Black-p. 67]

Q & A: Assign one person to be the catechizer to ask questions and allow others to answer. (Guide them/provide unknown answers.)

  • Luther’s Small Catechism, 2008 Questions 25, 27-34 (Blue p. 60-65; Maroon p. 61-67)
  • Luther’s Small Catechism, 2017 Questions 42-47 (p.67-72)

 Need a catechism? Let us know!

  1. Share highs and lows of the day.
  2. How have you seen God at work lately?
  3. What does the Scripture reading teach about God?
  4. What does it teach about people?
  5. What is the key theme of the Scripture reading?
  6. What do you learn about the key theme? How can you apply it to your daily walk with the Lord? (Yourself, your relationship with God or your relationships with others?)
  7. Any cautions to heed? Any promises to anticipate?
  • Adoration (Wow, God!): Proclaim at least three things that amaze you about God today.
  • Confession (Sorry, God!): Confess, repent, and ask for forgiveness.
  • Thanksgiving (Thanks, God!): Thank God for blessings, lessons, gifts, etc.
  • Supplication (Please, God!): Ask God to intervene where you know of needs.

God has called us to lead our families in discipleship at home…

  • to preach and teach the Bible to our family (Eph. 6:4)
  • to be a discipleship center (Gen. 18:19)
  • to impress the hearts of the next generation with a love for God (Deut. 6:5-7)
  • to pass on faith (Ps. 78:1-8, Deut. 32:44-47; Eph. 6:4)
  • to teach spiritual lessons to our children (Prov. 1:8, Prov. 7:1, Prov. 23:23-26)

and this resource is designed to equip you to do just that and help you lead into the following Sunday.

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Tags: resources, family worship, lectionary, readings, household worship, worship at home, worship resources, lead in

