Teaching the Lord's Prayer
Teaching the Lord's Prayer to children or those new to the faith is a valuable use of time because it is the way that Jesus taught to pray. [Matthew 6:9-13]
Here are a few ideas to teach it:
- Pray this prayer daily in your home--morning, mealtime, devotional time, or bedtime.
- Pray this prayer weekly in corporate worship.
- Speak each petition and others can repeat that phrase back to you.
- Write the whole Lord's Prayer out daily.
- Remove some of the key words and then fill-in-the-blank.
- Draw symbols or pictures for each phrase (petition) that helps you remember them.
- Use these hand motions resources to learn the Lord's Prayer:
- Listen to a music version of the Lord's Prayer. Add it to your regular playlists.
- In family devotions or family worship learn more about how to apply the Lord's Prayer to your life.
- In worship services, learn about the broader Biblical context and the ways the Lord's Prayer points us to all that God has done.
- Read Luther's Small Catechism section on the Lord's Prayer.
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