Nurturing Faith in the Next Generations

Nurturing Faith in the Next Generation
We all have a calling to nurture faith in the next generation. Even those of us who don’t have kids or grandkids biologically have a responsibility in this mission. Here are four simple (but not always easy) ways to nurture faith in your kids, grandkids and the generations after us.
“One generation shall commend your works to another and shall declare your mighty acts.” Psalm 145:4
- Pray
Pray for your kids and grandkids, certainly. But also pray with your kids and grandkids. Help them to know what it is to call on the name of the Lord and approach His throne of grace. Help them to know they have access about anything and everything to the Creator and Sustainer of the Universe. That He invites us and He hears us. Praying with your kids and grandkids whether they are 5 or 55 nurtures the faith that the Holy Spirit is working in them.
- Talk
I once had a choir director who would say regularly “to sing you need to open your mouth” with his mouth open wide and large exaggerated words. It’s simple really, to share Jesus we need to open our mouths and talk. It doesn’t have to be really profound. Just share what He’s done for you and how’s He’s worked in your life. Talk about how you see Him at work in them. Tell the stories of the Bible and the faith in ways that make it come alive in their hearts and stick in their memories. “Faith comes by hearing” the Word of God and testimonies about God. (Romans 10:17)
- Share Resources
There are so many resources and materials that can be utilized in the faith life of a Christian. Be a part of purchasing, loaning, reading, listening to, watching, and talking about the resources that are age-appropriate to your kids and grandkids and the ones that have blessed you in your faith life.
- Walk the Walk
Sometimes we might unwittingly put our light under a bowl in our lives. Live unapologetically as a follower of Jesus. Read your Bible when the kids and grandkids are there to see it (even if it’s the least convenient time or place for you). Pray even if your kids or grandkids aren’t accustomed to prayer right now. Be a lifelong learner of the faith and the Word of God yourself. Talk about your very real sinfulness and very real need for a Savior. Regularly receive God’s good gifts—listen to His Word publicly proclaimed, receive the Sacrament, hear the words of forgiveness spoken for you.
God is the only one who creates faith. He gives us the awesome opportunity to be a part of nurturing faith in the next generations throughout their lives. And then the Holy Spirit makes the faith He began in each person grow. What a privilege to be a part of His Kingdom growth plan!
What are ways you nurture faith in the next generations? Share your ideas and experiences in the comments below.
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