Along the Way in Springtime

Posted by Kimber Walsh on

This is the time of year that we look around us and see so many things growing and blooming—the trees, the flowers, and baby birds that are just hatching. It is also often the time of year that we look at the children around us and realize how much they’ve grown, learned and changed since last fall. (If you haven’t noticed that yet, stop, take a look and consider it now!) Each fall they start out as novices of their new grade level and their new experiences but by the springtime, they have blossomed into experts of those topics and are eager for the next new thing. Along with the life cycle in creation around us, this is an incredible cycle that we get to enjoy with children each year. God has given us “front-row seats” to be a part of the lives of the next generation and we have the distinct privilege to point them to Him at every new turn!

This springtime, consider how you can point your newly blossomed children to God as you go about your days:

  • Hiking- Hiking is the perfect activity to take note of God’s beautiful creation. You have the opportunity to see lots of things and to stop and examine them a little closer too. As you hike this spring, consider all that God made. How does the bee use pollen to make honey? How are the clouds such unique shapes? How did God make every detail of every living thing work just right? What do you think is the most incredible thing about God’s creation?
  • Flying a Kite-Kites are a wonder to watch dancing through the sky. But there’s one important thing to make flying a kite successful…wind! If the wind is not blowing or if it’s blowing way too much, you won’t be able to get your kite to fly well. After flying, read Ecclesiastes 11:5, which says, “As you do not know the path of the wind, or how the body is formed in a mother’s womb, so you cannot understand the work of God, the Maker of all things.” Talk about how even though we may not know the path God is leading us on like we don’t know the path of the wind, He’s holding us tightly in His hands. Why is that so important to remember?
  • Riding a Bike-Bikes may be a first small symbol of freedom to a child. Undoubtedly every person who’s ever ridden a bike has fallen and skinned a knee once or twice. But the best part is when you can get back up and trust that the bike will hold you again! In life, we mess up and “fall” sometimes. We do things we know we shouldn’t. We go against what God says. But we can also trust that He will hold us again after we fall. When have you “fallen” and how did you trust God after that?
  • Blowing Bubbles-A little air pocket surrounded by soap floating around can spread joy to all ages. When you stick your wand in the container and blow gently on the formula, beautiful little bubbles come out! But one thing you’ve likely noticed is that your wand needs replenished time and time again. It can’t spread the joy without going back to its source for more juice. Similarly, as Christians, we run out of “juice” that we use to spread joy in the world too. We must keep returning to God’s Word to get more and more and more of the joy God’s given us so that we can share it with others. How does God’s Word give us joy? How does it help us share joy with others around us?
  • Sidewalk Chalk-Let your creativity be unleashed! The world [the pavement, anyways,] is your canvas! Think of a favorite Bible account (or tell a new one) and draw scenes from it on your sidewalk/driveway. When it’s done use the pictures to retell/review what happened! Talk about why those scenes were most important and what this part of God’s Word taught about Him.

Deuteronomy 6:6-7 charges us to talk about faith as we go about life, “Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength. These commandments that I give you today are to be on your hearts. Impress them on your children. Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the way, when you lie down and when you get up.”

It's likely the Holy Spirit will use your springtime God talks to continue to grow faith in your family!

Tags: discipleship, springtime, sharing faith, faith formation, d6, along the way
