Along the Way During Winter

Posted by Kimber Walsh on

A new year always brings new possibilities. Those possibilities will likely present themselves in many and various ways. But the greatest possibilities we have, will come in the ways the Holy Spirit will guide us and grow us and sanctify us (make us holy) this year. Sometimes He does that through big and crazy circumstances. But more often than not, He refines us through the mundane, every day, and completely ordinary things we do. This year as you think about the wealth of possibilities God will bring to your family, also consider the wealth of opportunities you’ll have to work alongside the Holy Spirit in the ways He’s already working to grow faith in your family’s hearts.

Deuteronomy 6:6-7 charges us to talk about faith as we go about life, “Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength. These commandments that I give you today are to be on your hearts. Impress them on your children. Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the way, when you lie down and when you get up.”

So talk about faith with them. With the Holy Spirit’s help, the possibilities are endless, but here’s a few specific ideas:

  • Building Snowmen-Talk about what’s important to include when making “someone.” Why? What do you think it was like for God to create humans? God created all things with just his words. The only exception was man which He formed from the dust of the earth. What an incredible thing!
  • Watching Movies-Each movie or show we watch has themes and messages that we can talk about to help us and our children filter things through what we believe. We can ask questions like—Does this match what I believe? How did the people in this movie treat each other? What can we learn from the message/people? Does this model something that we should or shouldn’t do as Christians? (Ask other more specific questions based on what you’re watching.)
  • Building Forts (Snow or Blanket)-A fort is something used for protection from the outside world. Though we often build forts just for fun, they can also be used for protection—a snow fort protects us from the cold or incoming snowballs and a blanket fort protects us from the cold, light, or people trying to steal our toys. The Bible talks about God being our fortress (Psalm 18:2), that’s just a longer word for fort, and that we go to Him for protection. What does it mean that God protects us?
  • Shoveling-When we shovel snow for our own family or for someone else we know, we are serving them. What does it mean to serve someone? How can we have a good attitude about serving? What are some other things we can do to serve? How does serving help us show the love of Christ?

The possibilities for faith talks are endless and you can talk about faith as you go about your ordinary every day life this year. Get talkin’!

Tags: discipleship, winter, sharing faith, faith formation, d6, along the way
