Along the Way During Lent

Posted by Kimber Walsh on

Lent is a season of the church year in which sorrow for sins is emphasized. We’re given the opportunity to reflect on what we have done, how we have fallen short, and how desperately we need a Savior. (Which, spoiler alert: God provided the first Easter!) While this is a season that is predominantly observed in church, there are ways that we can talk and think about the things of God differently during this time.

Deuteronomy 6:6-7 charges us to talk about faith as we go about life, “Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength. These commandments that I give you today are to be on your hearts. Impress them on your children. Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the way, when you lie down and when you get up.”

Let’s talk about the things of God as we go about life this Lenten season:

  • Ash Wednesday-We can receive a sign of the cross on our forehead or hand out of ashes. It reminds us that we are dirty in our sins and we need to be cleaned. As you receive ashes or see others with ashes as you go about your day, talk about sin and how each of us struggles with it. Be as specific as possible to help kids understand what we’re really talking about. How does it make you feel to realize how sinful you are? Would you rather stay in this “dirty” state or get cleaned up? Why?
  • Giving Something Up-Some Christians still choose to “give something up” for Lent. Typically it’s candy, dessert, video games or some other indulgence we don’t really need but want The idea is that while we refrain from these simple pleasures, we will be reminded to think about what Jesus gave up for us—His very life. What would be something hard to give up? Why? (Whether or not you choose to do this, you can still talk about it.) What does it mean to you that Jesus gave up His life for you?
  • Soup-Soup isn’t actually tied to Lent in any way, but it’s pretty common for churches to have a soup supper during Lent simply because it’s winter and soup is good during winter! When our bodies are warmed by soup and our bellies are filled, we can remember that God provides for our physical needs and He provides for our most desperate spiritual need as well. Talk about your favorite soup and why it brings you comfort in the cold. Talk about how God brings you comfort in the ‘cold’ moments of life.
  • Valentine’s Day-What does Valentine’s Day have to do with Lent? See if your family can figure out some tie-ins. (There aren’t “right” answers, but another reminder we can talk about faith in any situation)

Try to talk about faith in a different way than you have before during Lent. It doesn’t have to be big or fancy talks, the Holy Spirit is at work in the small and simple talks too.

Tags: discipleship, lent, sharing faith, faith formation, d6, along the way
