Along the Way at Valentine's

Posted by Kimber Walsh on

We don’t really celebrate Valentine’s Day at our house. At least we don’t celebrate the ways other people do. We skip the big gestures, sappy cards, date nights, and gifts and wait [impatiently] for the day or two after Valentine’s Day when all the candy goes on discount. Then we buy a couple of our favorites and enjoy our sweet treats and the money saved! No matter how you celebrate, think about adding God into your conversations as you do.

“Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength. These commandments that I give you today are to be on your hearts. Impress them on your children. Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the way, when you lie down and when you get up.” Deuteronomy 6:6-7   

  • Conversation Hearts-These timeless valentine treats bear messages of “UR GR8” and “BE MINE” but what do they really say? Something along the lines of “have a sweet treat on me” or “I was thinking of you” either of which can be great encouragements. Discuss how the encouragements of people around you brighten your days. As a family, decide who can use some Godly encouragement and how you can deliver it—write a note, make a visit, share a Bible verse, give a hug, and love others with the love of God.
  • Who is St. Valentine?-St. Valentine was a priest in the 200’s who performed secret marriage ceremonies for Christian couples because the government had an edict forbidding men to marry. [They were in a time of war and wanted their soldiers to be unwed as they were thought to be better fighters.] St. Augustine wanted to promote the Biblical understanding of marriage between one man and one woman which was not common in the culture of the time. Talk about God’s design for marriage.
  • Box of Chocolates-If you love surprises, boxes of chocolate are for you. If you don’t love surprises or if you are a picky chocolatier, you’d likely prefer something else. If your family is enjoying some “unknown” chocolates this year, take turns guessing what flavor you will get. How does what we see on the outside give us hints about what’s on the inside of each piece? How does what we see on the outside of people give us hints about what’s on the inside? How can we be sure our outsides—how we live each day and the things other people see about us—show that God is living in us and at work in us?
  • Valentine Box-Do your kids get to decorate a valentine box? Do they labor over the details of the box that will hold all of their notes from classmates? Is this too girly? Is this cool enough? Will I get a valentine from everyone? Will I get a valentine from anyone? As your kids decorate or verbalize these things, talk about how God made each of us and knit us together in our mothers’ wombs to make us just right. How does making your box just like you want it, remind you of how God made you just like He wants you? List details you are thankful that God gave you and others in your family. (I’m thankful for eyebrows because I think they frame our eyes just right!)
  • Hugs & Kisses- Hugs and kisses are ways that we show affection. When appropriately used, they can give people a feeling of being surrounded in love. Talk about what makes each of you feel most loved—words of encouragement, when people do nice things for you, when others give you a hug, when someone gives you a little gift, or when they simply spend time doing something fun with you. How can we make sure our family members feel loved by us AND by God in those ways?

Conversation hearts might have conversation in their name but they don’t have to be the only conversation in your valentine’s day fun. Conversations about faith as you celebrate can add to the fun too!

Tags: discipleship, sharing faith, valentine's, faith formation, d6, along the way
