Along the Way at Christmas

This time of year has a lot to take in—the sights, the sounds, the full schedules, the anticipation—it can be hard to really listen. We’re being pulled in too many directions and there are too many things competing for our attention. It’s easy to end up feeling discouraged that the Christmas season isn’t what we wanted it to be. We look back in January and wonder how it slipped away again. Last Christmas we promised ourselves to enjoy this one; to not just survive but to cherish the moments. Except we don’t. We’re too busy. We miss things. One of the things I think we are all guilty of missing the most at Christmas time is, ironically, Christ. We forget to consider what it means that our God would make Himself like one of us. There is no other god who has ever been or would do that for people. This Christmas season, I challenge you to consider Christ as you go along the way of your life. Talk about how the things you’re doing intersect with your faith in Jesus. It doesn’t have to be elaborate to be meaningful.
- Are you baking cookies? Consider how following the steps of the recipe makes the cookies turn out sweet and delicious. When we follow God’s law (the 10 commandments), it makes our lives sweeter.
- Are you singing carols? Consider the message of the songs as you sing them. What do the words tell us about the story of Jesus at Christmas?
- Are you sending cards? Consider the focus of your message. Is it just about your family and their accomplishments over the past year or is it about what God has done in your family’s life?
- Are you exchanging gifts? Consider how you can be intentional in your giving and receiving. Give things that share Christ in a small way. Receive graciously acknowledging God as the ultimate source of blessings.
- Are you giving to a charitable cause? Consider why you do this and talk about it with those in your house. What impact do your dollars have? Why does that matter? Also consider serving a charitable cause with your time and energy.
- Are you decorating your home? Consider how different pieces are intentional reminders of God’s work at Christmas. (lights remind us that Jesus is the light of the world; evergreens remind us that in Christ we will have everlasting life; certain ornaments might be reminders of some of the story of Jesus; gifts remind us that Jesus gave us Himself as the greatest gift ever; the story of the real St. Nicholas reminds us of God’s charge to care for widows and orphans)
Deuteronomy 6:6-7 charges us to talk about faith as we go about life, “Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength. These commandments that I give you today are to be on your hearts. Impress them on your children. Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the way, when you lie down and when you get up.”
No matter what you do this Christmas season try to pause, even briefly, to think about or talk about how we see reminders of Jesus’ coming at Christmas and what that means for us. See how faith can grow along the way this Christmas season!
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