Your Majesty

Posted by Craig Britton on

Advent 1: Gospel, Luke 19:28-40                                      

Luke 19:28-40

We who live in America have a somewhat unique place in all of history. In many ways, but in one in particular which has a connection to this week’s gospel. America has not now, nor ever has she had a King. The great American experiment of a government which is her people had literally never been attempted before. Not under the authority of a document, the Constitution, which is  the highest authority of the American system. A system of “shared authority and responsibility,” if you will and not a monarchy.

The world in its history was used to that. A reigning monarch with absolute authority and final say. It is fascinating however that several of the fledgling colonies did recognize the authority of an Ultimate Monarch. And in the early documents of  some of our colonies Jesus Christ was even declared as King.

That is a lesson that I need to learn again. And it is a lesson the Christian Church must be attentive to and take to heart day by day. “Blessed is the King who comes in the name of the Lord!” So cry the crowds on the day Jesus enters Jerusalem.

Jesus, as we enter Advent in 2021 is King. He was born a King. He died, was raised, ascended and was enthroned in heaven as King. Soon, He will visibly return as King. Our King, now and forever.

We dare not forget. We have a King.


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