
Posted by Craig Britton on

Proper 6: Epistle, Romans 5:6-15                                      

Romans 5:6-15

When did Jesus die? I guess the answer depends somewhat on the context in which the question is put forward. Historically or theologically? Actually we get off the quiz hook here because the answer to both questions is the same: “at the right time” (5:6).

Jesus, we are reminded by Paul, died for you and me “while we were still weak” (5:6a). Jesus died for you and me “while we were still sinners” (5:8). Jesus died for us at the right time. In other words there was nothing to set the table for Jesus' death other than the recipients of His gifts were fully prepared in their weakness and sin. Can you imagine sitting at, say, a birthday party, and just as the guests arrived with gifts in arms, you enter the room in clothing so dirty and foul that the guests are driven back through the door. Retreat!!!

 That is something like (but not nearly as bad) as the situation with Jesus. We were at our worst when Jesus died. We had historically and practically NOTHING to offer Jesus but our dirtiest and foulest. And He died for us still. Justice. Mercy. Love. The perfect Savior given in the perfect death for vile sinners. At the right time.


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