What's Next?

Posted by Craig Britton on

Seventh Sunday of Easter: First Reading, Acts 1:12-26                 

Acts 1:12-26

Jesus has ascended into heaven. The Mount of Olives most likely still bears the footprints of the Savior prior to His departure. And the eleven return to the great city whose famous “upper room” housed a place of prayer. The subject of that gathering, which included prominent women from the Savior’s band, was the replacement of the fallen Judas Iscariot.

For some reason eleven wasn’t good enough. Perhaps there was more of a reason. Perhaps we need to go back into the days of the kingdom of Israel, pre-Jesus. God had established a people for His own possession and mission. And that nation was separated into a number of tribal groups. Twelve in all. Perhaps the prayer and waiting upon the Lord had more about it than simply pumping up leadership numbers. Perhaps a new nation, or better the continuation of that nation, God’s people was at stake.

I used the word “perhaps” several times in the paragraph above because I want you to do some thinking and perhaps some homework. Twelve tribes for the Old Covenant people of God. Twelve leaders required as well for the new? There seems to be a connection here. The church of Jesus, the body of Christ does not replace the Old Testament people of God, but perhaps is simply its continuation. For “he is a Jew who is one inwardly; and circumcision is that of the heart, in the Spirit, not in the letter; whose praise is not from men but from God” (Romans 2:29). Not in the skin, but within, you might say.

God’s program for the universe didn’t end where our Bibles split. One people with twelve leaders at the helm. It helps us to recognize who we are: the Israel of God. What’s next?


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