What's in the Mirror?

Posted by Craig Britton on

Proper 25: Old Testament, Leviticus 19:1-2, 15-18   

Leviticus 19:1-2, 15-18

This may not be the run-of-the-mill meditation on the week’s Old Testament reading. I don’t think I will like what I write. But then again, liking is not the issue. Truth is. Truth ALWAYS is. Ready? Let’s go. The second use of the law (remember your confirmation) that Luther proposes in his Small Catechism (remember your confirmation) is the Law as a mirror. To do what? (remember your confirmation). To show us our sin. Full stop. I’m the one looking in the mirror here, before I suggest anyone else is or should. Got it? Good. 

Leviticus is a tough book. It’s uncomfortable to read. It is bloody. Why? Because I am a filthy sinner. But I wasn’t alive when Moses received this revelation from heaven. No matter. God put together (for lack of a better expression) a system to cleanse me from my sin and yes what happened in Leviticus pointed both to the condition and ultimate solution to the foul, detestable, hell-heading dilemma of sin. My sin. And yours.

There is a “strange beauty” in being confronted with my sin through God’s law? That beauty is the picture, better the icon of God we see in it when He expresses His perfections by what he abhors in our thoughts and behaviors. “You shall be holy, for I the LORD your God am holy. Every one of you shall revere his mother and father, and you shall keep my sabbaths: I am the LORD your God” (Lev. 19:2b-3). Interesting isn't it? Commandment four and then three (remember your confirmation) listed first under this charge to holiness? God loves it when I TREASURE my parents, living or deceased. And oh, His day? His Word? His worship? He TREASURES that, no doubt.

The rest of the reading goes on regarding relationships with neighbors, justice, slander, the holding of grudges and the like. You know. The things wherein I am gifted at failure. Oh then there’s vengeance. I’ve noticed lately I have that in my heart quite a bit when people I don’t politically agree with tell me what I can and cannot do or say. Ouch. Why does THAT have to be in there?

Now back to the blood. Rivers of it in Leviticus. I think I remember a Bible verse something near to, without the shedding of blood there is no remission of sin. I caused the blood bath. The sacrifice of thousands, perhaps millions of innocent animals. The sacrifice of the spotless and love-and-truth driven, innocent Lamb of God. I caused the blood bath. Hell, yes a real, eternal demon-filled hell was the resulting destination of my gaze into the mirror if the blood bath had not taken place. Oh I am glad for it. Worship with me, and fall down before our Great Savior because of it. It is for me. It is for you.

Now. What’s in the mirror when I look, when you look? A saint. Not bloody, but blood-washed. Comfortable to read and ponder? No. True? Yes. A saint. God be praised!


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