What to Say
Eleventh Sunday after Pentecost: Psalm, Psalm 145:10-21
Psalm 145:10-21
Our psalm this week gives a reminder pointing to many of the ways God loves His people. He manifests His power in providing for all our needs, He speaks His Word to us, He saves us and preserves us. And each one of those elements of His love could be multiplied in many directions. My challenge to you, dear reader this week is to read our Psalm text and then put it to a tune. Any tune will do and maybe even one that you make up.
No running to the excuses bin claiming, “I’m not musical,” or “I can’t carry a tune in a bucket.” For remember that even the Lord’s Word says a joyful noise is acceptable to Him. And your offering certainly will be as well. Sing in the shower. Sing on a run. Sing on your patio or walking your dog. If he begins to howl perhaps take it down a notch. Just kidding.
The psalms are to be sung. It would be wonderful to hear how they were originally set to various tunes or modes. But all the words are supplied. And they’re just right. So, sing away.