What a Life

Posted by Craig Britton on

Proper 17: Epistle, Romans 12:9-21                                     

Romans 12:9-21

There are many lists in the Bible. Names, places, occupations, punishments and rewards. Lots and lots of lists. But one of my favorites and one of the most important is found in Romans 12, our Epistle text for the week. There we find the Apostle Paul fleshing out what it looks like to put all the great doctrine he’s taught into living practice. In these thirteen verses, we have a catalog of what Christian doctrine looks like lived out by hands, feet, lips and heart. Just a few we can consider today.

 “Let love be genuine” (12:9) Don’t wear a mask. Don’t hide behind one and don’t lead someone astray while pretending to love them. Christ’s love for us is the measure and it is never false. Not in the least.

 “Outdo one another in showing honor” (12:10) Eastern religions and even the outworkings of  Islam call on adherents to show honor. The New Testament doesn’t come short on this but I rarely hear the actual word associated with the disciple’s life, at least in the circles I run with. It’s a shame. To honor one another is a beautiful “visual.”

 “Do not be slothful in zeal” (12:11) I love this one. You’ve seen a sloth. That tree dweller that can barely get himself to move from branch to branch. Lack of motivation defined. Paul says don’t be like that in terms of your zeal, your “burn” for Christ. It doesn’t mean jumping pews in church or raving and ranting on street corners. But it does mean stoke that inner flame through prayer, meditation on the Word and worship/fellowship with the body.

 “Do not be haughty, but associate with the lowly” (12:16) Okay. I get the haughty issue and for the most part I don’t see that much. And I hope I don’t fall into that either. But the second half, the back side of the blade, you might say: “but associate with the lowly.” Eeeesh. That can get uncomfortable. People who don’t dress like, eat like, live like or even smell like me. I can so easily make them a part of the “lowly” category. What Paul is really saying here is “Guard yourselves from creating a crowd of folks you’d just rather avoid.” And when that happens, our view of ourselves is always too high.

 One more. “If possible, so far as it depends on you, live peaceably with all” (12:18) “But they …” “You just don’t understand, they …” “He bugs me, in fact he lives on my last nerve.” Notice Paul’s instruction carefully, “so far as it depends on you.” The ball is in your court. The ball is in mine. Do we love peace with others? Truly love it and want it? Then we choose to get over what they do, what he or she does. We are to be the peacemakers and the peace-sustainers.

 We can do all this. By grace, in the limitless power of the Holy Spirit we can do this. Jesus died and rose again to fashion brothers and sisters who carry the family resemblance. We can do all this. 


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