We've Things to Learn

Posted by Craig Britton on

Easter 6: First Reading, Acts 10:34-48                                           

Acts 10:34-48

So often when Peter is a main character in a Bible reading, I pay special attention. Why? Because I see myself in that man. I’ve written that before, I’m sure, but today’s reading brings that back once more.

One trait I don’t think I have entertained regarding the blessed Apostle is “continuing education.” Peter, like the rest of us, lived his life fairly certain of the things he already knew. And like the rest of us, that is a mix of blessing and cursing as we step out into the world each day. Truth be told, we all have a lot to learn. And the good news for disciples (the word means “learner”), is that there is no end to what we have to learn of our Lord and of His ways. 

Peter finds himself in the home of a Gentile soldier, Cornelius by name. He’s been led there by the power of God. The God Peter knows, but who has challenged him recently teaching him that everyone needs the gospel. Peter begins his message declaring, “Truly I understand that God shows no partiality, but in every nation anyone who fears him and does what is right is acceptable to him” (Acts 10:34-35). A verse later the lesson learned culminates in this shattering expression regarding the Messiah, “he is Lord of all” (v. 36). 

Not exactly a theological tome, but the statement is monumental and sets the stage for the remainder of the mission to which the entire Christian community is called until Jesus appears in the heavens. He is Lord of all. He loves all and desires all to be His brothers and sisters. All.

Peter was still learning that. I’m still learning that. How about you?


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