Well In Hand

Posted by Craig Britton on

Proper 28: Old Testament, Zephaniah 1:7-16                    

Zephaniah 1:7-16

Control. There’s nothing human beings want to exercise more. And there is nothing we actually have so little of in our lives. And when it comes to walking before our Creator, our greatest wisdom is to always, ALWAYS relinquish what we think we hold.

Zephaniah prophesied to the Southern Kingdom of Judah in the seventh century, B.C. And the message he brought was one the people didn’t want to hear. Cancel the “itching ears” as something only dealt with in our day. “Be silent before the Lord GOD! For the day of the LORD is near; the LORD has prepared a sacrifice and consecrated his guests” (Zeph. 1:7). What does this mean?

Zephaniah goes on to declare that the sacrifice is the people of the LORD and the guests, the foreign nations who will consume them. It is not a pretty picture. And as with all of God’s Word, when it is declared, it will come to pass. The Day of the LORD has two components: immediate and future. Oh there is a Day of the LORD ahead of us still, but here Zephaniah is making it clear that spiritual frauds and fakes never get a free pass. Judah will pay for her sins. Make no mistake. And God, as He often shows, is not hesitant to use people other than his own to mete out the disaster.

The description is something no Judah-dweller could ever miss. The districts of Jerusalem, the dwelling place of God are spoken of in detail. The wealthy and beautifully appointed will come crashing down. And God will have his justice. God’s people don’t always look good. God’s people don’t always, in fact seldom, do it right. But oh how we want the world’s applause. The church in our day has become addicted to that applause. And it may very well be that we are tasting a bit of our own “Day of the LORD.” 

“God loves us as we are. But He loves us far too much to let us stay that way.” So said a dear and wise teacher in my past. The minor prophets like Zephaniah are always faithful to declare dark days, if that is what the Lord has planned. But the gospel promises always find their way in. I will let you cheat and look ahead. Read Zephaniah 3:14-20 and do rejoice. But realize there is most likely a “wood shed” experience to be had beforehand. There usually is.


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