We Have No Idea

Posted by Craig Britton on

Fifth Sunday after Pentecost: Epistle, 2 Corinthians 6:1-13

2 Corinthians 6:1-13

So, I struggle with putting a title on these meditations. It’s really crazy to label one and then have the body of the writing not support it. I can always change it, but I do labor for consistency. I appreciate all who stay with me in this endeavor. In our epistle this week Paul is not only defending his apostleship with the Corinthians, but wants his genuine call to bolster their faith and confidence in God. He labors so that, as he writes, “We put no obstacle in anyone’s way, so that no fault may be found with our ministry” (v. 3). And then he launches into many “marks” of ministry that support his faithfulness to it. And what a list it is. Not all negative, but life-encompassing.

What does that mean? Well, it means, at least at some level, that Paul’s life is wrapped up in the gospel he’s been called to preach. And no matter what shows up as means of support, or opposition, or lack, or abundance, Paul will continue. And not for his own benefit, for those who will hear, ponder. and by grace turn their heart-gaze to Christ Jesus.

Paul knows that Jesus is the only hope for his dear Corinthians. And what he wrote and explained to them has its place in us embracing his message as well. All that he went through. All that he faced in life and death for the gospel. I think it is difficult for us to fully grasp. I’m so glad Paul was faithful to His Lord. And ours.


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