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Posted by Craig Britton on

Proper 16: Gospel, Matthew 16:13-20                                    

Matthew 16:13-20

I think that this passage houses one of the most important issues facing the “modern” church today. I’ve written about it before. So if you recognize a “repeat,” excuse me for what I deem so very critical. Here we have the exchange that Jesus has with His disciples regarding His identity. In effect, “What are people saying about me?” Jesus wants to know if His message is striking the target. He surely already knows the answer, but as is so often the case, Jesus wants to coax conversation from the twelve. He forces the issue and when Peter offers his own answer to the question, Jesus announces that Peter has been singularly blessed with his answer. Heaven blessed.

Here’s the issue: ours is a revealed religion. We don’t know about creation outside of revelation. We wouldn’t know why the world is in the mess it’s in apart from revelation. We wouldn’t know that or why a man named Jesus was born and lived and died and rose were it not that God opened the door of heaven and opened the eyes of our hearts. I contend that the church has either pretty much forgotten this cardinal truth or is just too lazy to think much about such things. Our religion to many is just one more concoction of nice platitudes and hope-generating stories with a focus on a Jewish carpenter born of a virgin (so-called).

Is my assessment too harsh? Perhaps. Of course, I don’t think it is. But the first example I have to point to is me. If God has really spoken, has really taught me such magnificent things, then why do I say so little to others about it? Perhaps I just think other things are more pressing. Things from below. Lord, open again my heart to RECEIVE what You have spoken. Then help me again to give it away. And help me to remember that all I have from You is from the top down. God be praised!


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