To Us. For Us.

Posted by Craig Britton on

Seventh Sunday after Pentecost: Epistle, Colossians 2:6-15                       

Colossians 2:6-15

Paul spills ink in this letter so skillfully around the subject of Christ that it is hard not to be a good theologian if you have Colossians under your belt. The certainty of Christ’s deity, His headship of the church and His all-sufficient work for sinners are all highlights.

There is something else of inestimable value to take away from this letter. It is the fact that everything that has to do with our salvation is done to us and for us by another. Even in the brief expanse of our text this week we read these: “you received,” “you were taught,” “you have been filled,” “you were circumcised,” “having been buried with him in baptism,” “you were raised with him,” “having forgiven us,” and on it goes. All of these we receive, or we have them done to us. 

In the program of God, in the plan of our salvation, God is to be eternally thanked that he left nothing to us. Aren’t you glad? Read Isaiah 64:6 and you will be reminded why this is so.

Salvation is of the LORD!


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