Time Is Short

Posted by Craig Britton on

Epiphany 3: Epistle, 1 Corinthians 7:29-31      

1 Corinthians 7:29-31

Take another look at our title this morning. Ask yourself a question: do you believe it? And how does one square a statement like that with the fact that the passage of scripture we will be looking at today was written nearly two millennia ago? 

The final statement of the passage (v. 31) reads: “For the present form of this world is passing away.” Paul is echoed several decades later by the beloved John, “ … the world is passing away” (1 John 2:17a). Time is short. The world is passing away. And so no one misses these events, we are still waiting. Uh. Perhaps not so fast. IS. Is passing away. Notice what the inspired writers are pointing out. Not the world WILL pass away. No, the world IS passing away. There is a marked difference. Not a future event but a present reality. Much like the words coming from Jesus and John the Baptist that the Kingdom of God is in our midst.

Hebrews thought of time differently than we in our western “Greek” mindset. They still do. God is eternal and the events He has ordained, planned and revealed ARE. The Kingdom of God is present … and future. The passing of our world in its present state is present … and future. Now that doesn’t mean that for both expressions that there will not be a full consummation. But the world IS PASSING AWAY. Even as I strike the keys of my computer.

What can we do about it? Well Peter says we can hasten the Day of the Lord (2 Peter 3:12). The “how” would take us away from our present task. But as we wait for and hasten that day, let’s look back at the entire reading from Paul. Marrieds live like singles. Those in mourning, live like there is nothing or no one to mourn. If you’re rejoicing, live a life with level emotions. And on Paul goes. What in the world?

I believe Paul is saying this: Live with a laser focus. Jesus is coming soon. “And He will come to judge both the living and the dead.” I ask now what I asked before: Do you believe it? Either way you answer that question (and there are only two options), will affect how you see the rest of your days. Live for Christ and Kingdom. Time is short!


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