Tick, Tock, Tick

Posted by Craig Britton on

First Sunday after Christmas: Epistle, Galatians 4:4-7         

Galatians 4:4-7 

I tend to think that if I were to ask the average bible reader if timing was important to God’s story, most would say “yes,” but without a lot of evidence for backing it up. Now, that isn’t said to be unkind. But while most Christians realize God’s Word unfolds a plan for us to see, they haven’t taken the time to see where the pieces fit. And believe you me, it’s more intricate and fascinating than the best 1000 piece jigsaw puzzle.

There is a statement from the great apostle Paul from our reading this week that makes a claim on God’s timing: “But when the fullness of time had come, God sent forth his Son, born of woman, born under the law …”. There is no doubt in the mind of Paul that God sent his Son Jesus to earth at the right time, just the right time. I’ve often thought about how Jesus would respond to the “modern” world. And while God certainly could have brought about our salvation in any age, there was something in his plan that marked the precise moment of Jesus’ arrival in our midst.

Jesus is Israel in one Man. Jesus is the Kingdom of God in one Man. And Jesus is everything that all mankind needs for, as Luther stated, “forgiveness, life, and salvation.” All we need at just the right time. For us, for time, and for eternity. God be praised!

Merry Christmas!


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