This Jesus

Posted by Craig Britton on

Trinity: Epistle, Acts 2:14a, 22-36                                                

Acts 2:14a, 22-36

There is, while reading the great Petrine sermon in Acts 2 a thrill to be had. When one considers what state the speaker was in just weeks before. He was identified by a servant girl as he warmed his hands at a common fire. Flesh and heart trembled there. Now the blaze internal, is ignited by the Holy Spirit and the words spilling from heart and lips would ignite a greater fire that still burns brightly in a dark and dead world.

Twice in his inspired address Peter uses the phrase “this Jesus,” (cf. 2:23, 36). And both times, pointing to the Savior, Peter connects “this Jesus” to His death on a cross. Something we should pick up on, probably. Amidst all the other colors on the canvas describing Him who is “both Lord and Christ,” the little phrase “this Jesus” stands as an attention-getter.

Peter is saying look to Him at His greatest and highest. Look to Him enthroned on what world and Devil think is His end. His work done in weakness, veiled strength rather, liberates and grants to us the Spirit recently given to Peter and the others gathered that very day. This is what the Spirit always does: He points unreservedly to Christ Jesus.

This Jesus.


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