The Word is Good

Posted by Craig Britton on

Fourth Sunday after Pentecost: Psalm, Psalm 1

Psalm 1

So the title above says, “The Word is Good.” What word? I think most of us intuitively know as Christians what word it is that is good. God’s Word. From beginning to end it is the revelation of God to us in human language. As Christians we know it to be good, nourishing, guarding, and indispensable for us. Our psalm reading for this week is characterized by truth in contrast. On one side we have what the blessings of God’s Word brings to the reader/hearer as he digests it with God-given faith. On the other, the utter chaos and death of those who reject it.

It begs the question: how do you receive the Word of God? With “meh.” Or with a hunger that cannot be assuaged? Now, it's imperative to remember that whatever our response to the Word of God is, doesn’t change its nature. It is true whether you believe it or not, whether you receive it or not. But our response to it is crucial. Why? Because the course of life, indeed the quality of your life and mine, now and through eternity is determined by our response to God’s good Word.

Read Psalm 1. Ponder its message. “Be the tree!” The Word is good!


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