The Real Promised Land
The Transfiguration of our Lord: Old Testament, Deuteronomy 34:1-12
Deuteronomy 34:1-12
It seems rather unfair. At least to me. Every time I read the account of Moses’ burial on Mt. Nebo and the Lord’s restricting him from entering the Promised Land, my flesh wants to cry “foul!” But then I step back and realize that all his life long Moses life was like mine. High points with God. And points not so high. As our text points out, God uses this man as a light through much darkness. Of course, he was not the source. Merely a conduit like you and me.
But there was a grand purpose in keeping Moses from the land. At least temporarily. Because Moses did stand on “holy ground” in the land of promise. And he was given that immense privilege to do so in the presence of our true Promised Land, the person of Jesus, Moses’ Savior and ours. Is it appropriate to label Jesus as the “Promised Land?” I think it is because Jesus is our true goal and home. And not just for people under the New Covenant, but for all who came before us under “lesser light.” Revelation is progressive and Moses and all his Old Covenant companions saw a glimmer, but not what we see. Lest we forget, neither do we have full light. That is coming for us all as we look for that full revelation on the day of his return.
But Moses, his companion Elijah, and yes even Peter, James, and John were given a preview of that glory on the Mount of Transfiguration. A glimpse that “primed the pump” and made them all hungry for home. Their home and ours. His name is Jesus.