The Lamp Is Lit

Posted by Craig Britton on

The Transfiguration: Epistle, 2 Peter 1:16-21                     

2 Peter 1:16-21

The event we call “The Transfiguration” is a grand whisper. Funny that I say that because wrapped inside the fabric of this miracle is a voice. And I take it that it was not a whisper. At the revealing of Jesus’ glory on the holy mountain, Peter reports that a voice was heard. And it was the voice of Jesus’ Father once again confirming the family relationship: “This is my beloved Son, with whom I am well pleased” (2 Peter 1:17).

So what is this whisper? The whisper comes as you and I take to heart both the Father’s declaration and Peter’s call to run to the text of Scripture to confirm all they saw and heard that day. Even after this miracle Peter calls us to note that it is the confirmation given by “the more sure, the prophetic word …”  (v.19), that really “seals the deal.”

So the lamp of the Word is already shining. It points to the Messiah even before He appears among us, and makes it all the sweeter when He does. The voice from heaven on the mountain and Peter’s reminder set us in a good place. And as long as You and I listen to the whisper of the Word over time, well, the path is well-lit before our feet. Walk on!


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