Stepping Off Right

Posted by Craig Britton on with 1 Comments

Advent 1: Epistle, 1 Corinthians 1:3-9                                      

1 Corinthians 1:3-9

Happy New Year! And this from the calendar that really counts. We need to get to know the church year better than we do. Oh most of us know the cycle pretty well. Like we know the succession of months and the days of the week. But the why behind the parade of seasons? That is another deal completely. I’m still learning and I invite you this year in Cycle B of the lectionary to walk that way with me. 

We’re just beginning Advent. Candle wreaths, children’s calendars with little portals of joy, hymns marking beginnings but absent of “Alleluias.” And waiting. Waiting for His coming-one in reminiscence of a first appearing and a second waiting for our conquering “Rescuer.” Dear Paul sets us on the march of a new year with his repeated but oh so appropriate, “Grace to you and peace from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ” (1 Cor. 1:3). Can you think of a better way to begin a new year? I cannot.

The beauty of Paul’s giving of thanks through the next few verses are also appropriate since in this year (2020), this Thursday falls on the American celebration of Thanksgiving and Paul is full of it. Thanks for grace. God’s grace. God has given the young Corinthian believers all they need in Christ because Christ is all. Speech, knowledge, spiritual gifts and the hope of being sustained until the day we see the Savior face to face. Joy of all joys, we will be with them on that day and so Paul’s elation over the gifts given to the Corinthians, could just as well be a celebration of what our Lord has granted to us (wherever  and whenever you read this).

Paul ends his opening with this: “God is faithful, by whom you were called into the fellowship of his Son, Jesus Christ our Lord” (1:9). Just as I said in a meditation weeks ago, I prefer fellowship over our “relationship” language and I personally rejoice that it is a fellowship into which we have been called. Common bonds, common hearts and minds and a common Savior. Yes, God be praised, Paul sends us into this new church year with the unmistakable and unbreakable fellowship of Jesus Christ, Son of God. Could there be a better beginning?

Happy New Year!


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Dale Kleimola Nov 27, 2020 11:43am

You are a gifted writer. I so enjoy your textual ramblings (I like rambling authors.)