Sixth Sunday after Epiphany: Old Testament, Jeremiah 17:5-8
Jeremiah 17:5-8
The set-up? God has announced the impending judgment coming upon Judah for the sin “engraved on the tablet of their heart” (17:1). Yes, I know that is prior to our reading but the context is always important. Judah’s sin is deep. Carving deep.
Verses five through eight give us a good Bible contrast and it isn’t uncommon. There is a curse stated. And then a blessing.
Read these four verses prayerfully and ask yourself a few questions:
Do I really believe there are consequences for my disobedience?
Do I fear, love and trust in God above all things? (Sounds like the catechism, huh?)
Do I make a habit of allowing God to “water” my life with His Word?
Do I regularly implore God for His mercy? “He is like a tree planted by water …” (v. 8)
There is no question that God’s Word is the agent of His blessing. A shrub in the desert or leaves that remain green. The difference couldn’t be more clear.
Drink deeply today. Lord, have mercy.