Something to Say

Posted by Craig Britton on

Pentecost: Epistle, Acts 2:1-21                                                

Acts 2:1-21

We left a tough scene in our first reading of the week. Dispersion, confusion, and lots of what many heard as empty chatter. But God was at work. Sometimes we forget, but when God shows Himself in judgment, He is still at work. Man in his unbridled pride was “building” a way to reach God above and as we commented, that never ends well. God “came down” as it were and sent humanity packing. And while on the surface and in the immediate it was dreadful, what came of the scattering work of God was a plethora of world languages, dialects and cultures that show forth the creativity and power of God brought to the stage of our everyday lives. Human culture, after all, is a gift of God.

Today’s reading is a resolution of sorts. In the gift of the Holy Spirit upon the Church at Pentecost, scattering becomes reunion. And as is always the case, the reunion is centered in God’s Word. The Spirit, who always, always works through God’s Word grants the gift of languages (and yes, they were real languages) and with that gift draws through the spoken word in a miraculous way. Now, instead of crowds being sent in varying directions, men, women, and children are drawn to hear, in words they all understand, the proclamation of God’s greatness. The Bible says it this way: “we hear them telling in our own tongues the mighty works of God” (Acts 2:11).

God’s Word comes to work among men. Sometimes it scatters. But His evident heart is that it would draw all to Himself. From diverse languages in judgment to common tongues employed in joyous recollections of His greatness. The Spirit has been given. To exalt the Son. To draw all mankind home to the Father’s house.

Come and hear!


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