Simple Goodness

Posted by Craig Britton on

Fourth Sunday after the Epiphany: Old Testament, Micah 6:1-8            

Micah 6:1-8

I remember when I became a Christian as a college student in Oregon, the Jesus movement was waning in California. But one of the strong byproducts of that movement was its fresh and Christ-centered music. Not the hymns of history. But pre-Christian Contemporary Music Industry songs of love for Jesus and challenge for His people. I love some of those songs and one in particular was a tune that used a portion of our Old Testament reading for this week. The final verse of our reading declares:

“He hath shewed thee, O man, what is good; and what doth the LORD require of thee, but to do justly, and to love mercy, and to walk humbly with thy God?”

-Micah 6:8, KJV

Those were the song lyrics. They make a powerful refrain by themselves, but in the context of what Micah has to say to the people of God from both Israel and Judah, they ring out as both rebuke and challenge. You and I are called to walk with what I call “simple goodness.” Now, don’t confuse simple with easy. Simple goodness is doing toward others the very same things that God has done in our direction. Goodness, justice, mercy toward men and humility before the Lord. And it is a bit in the order that Micah sets out. God is good toward us, always. His justice is declared as He is Creator and Sustainer of all things by the power of His Word. His Word does not change, so what He demands is always true and right. But we cannot meet His demands, nor His expectations and so His justice is visited on His perfect, sinless Son that we might taste His mercy. And the fruit? What can I do but respond in everlasting humility toward God?

I believe the song is simply titled, “Micah 6:8.” Find it if you can and listen. Follow it into prayers of gratitude. That also is simple goodness. Amen!


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