Seeing Salvation

Posted by Craig Britton on

First Sunday after Christmas: Gospel, Luke 2:22-40                

Luke 2:22-40

I love Simeon. I haven’t checked, but I think I may have begun a meditation with that very line at this time last year. That’s alright. I loved him then and I still do. He is one of the family of God that I most want to sit down with in the realized Kingdom.

A portion of Simeon’s declaration upon holding and blessing the Christ child in the presence of His parents is, “Lord, now You are letting Your servant depart in peace, according to Your word” (2:29). Peace is inextricably linked in this narrative, and in the heart of Simeon, to having seen God’s salvation in Mary’s Son. Of course, there is added tenderness simply because the baby is small enough that the old man can hold Him in his aging arms. I can just imagine the tears flowing from the sage’s eyes. I wonder if he bowed his head over His King and whispered the joy of his heart.

It is hard to sit and type this. The scene is so very powerful to me. In our liturgy, Simeon’s word comes to us following the reception of the body and blood of the Savior in Holy Communion. I believe our fathers may have placed it there in great wisdom and hope. The wisdom and hope that their spiritual children would realize that in coming to the altar to receive Him, we too, would exclaim, “My eyes have seen Your salvation” (2:30).

Because they have.

Merry Christmas!


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