Right Refrains
The Transfiguration of our Lord: Psalm, Psalm 99
Psalm 99
Jesus the Son of God displayed in glory. That is the theme of the Transfiguration. Perhaps no more stunning vision of God in the Scriptures save the anticipated appearing of the Lord at the consummation. That is what every Christian should long for. And for just a very few, a brief glimpse of glory was afforded. Peter, James, and John on the mount with two Old Testament pillars. But those three still living in fallen flesh had not yet been privy to that sight. Glory!
There can be no doubt that they carried those moments with them until that became their permanent vision. The Psalm for Transfiguration points us to that glory and I would like to draw our attention to three refrains which proclaim the Holy, Holy, Holy God. Read them here:
“Let them praise Your great and awesome name—
He is holy” (Ps. 99:3).
“And worship at His footstool—
He is holy” (Ps. 99:5).
“And worship at His holy hill;
For the LORD our God is holy” (Ps. 99:9).
Each of these three sets apart stanzas declaring the glory and power of our God. And for us Christians, specifically the majesty of the crucified and risen Jesus. He is fully God, nothing wanting. He is the Holy One of Israel and Lord of the Church. This week of the Transfiguration, meditate on, and anticipate the day when we will see Him as did His three disciples. In full glory. I can’t wait. How about you?