Rest and Deliverance

Posted by Craig Britton on

Second Sunday after Pentecost: Old Testament, Deuteronomy 5:12-15             

Deuteronomy 5:12-15 

Now we enter the long season of the church calendar finally interrupted by the observance in late October of Reformation Sunday. But I love this season. It is marked by, depending on the lectionary in use, the walking of Jesus in the life of this world, our world. And in this year’s cycle we will watch Jesus as given to us through Peter’s secretary, Mark. For Mark’s gospel has long been considered the accounts of Peter. But our first lesson this week gives us Moses in his second giving of the Law as the people of God are just about to enter the Promised Land.

The commandments are the same, but I have noticed that the third commandment, which is our focus this week, has a variation from the giving of the law in Exodus 20. “Remember the Sabbath Day by keeping it holy,” is how the Small Catechism of Luther delivers it to us. When Moses heard directly from God on the mountain, the gift of Sabbath rest pointed to the creation account and God’s rest on the seventh day. In our reading this week, Moses is recounting the great law reception event. And when he gets to the third commandment, the Sabbath gift is connected to the LORD delivering His people from bondage in Egypt. Did Moses forget the original? Is he confused? I don’t think so.

Here’s my thought so take it for what it’s worth. This is a “new breed.” The old guard, the original desert generation, are gone due to disobedience. And while the third commandment is cited with different bases, I am not sure they are really different. At creation God did the work, He then rested and we received the benefit. Well, the deliverance from Egypt’s bondage while different is simply a picture of God’s previous work applied. God did the work of creation before the fall and rested. God did the work of deliverance after the fall and rested. Get the picture? In another figure of speech I hearken back to dear old Dr. Mitchell at the seminary. He used to quip, “God wins the victory and we enjoy the deliverance.”

It’s one and the same message. God creates (creation) and rests. God re-creates (deliverance from bondage) and rests. He teaches us to live in that rest and enjoy the benefits. Yes indeed, remember the Sabbath Day by keeping it holy. By living in the joy of God’s completed work. For you.


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