Remembering Who God Is

Posted by Craig Britton on

Fourth Sunday after Pentecost: Psalm of the Day, Psalm 66:1-7                     

Psalm 66:1-7 

I don’t remember a whole lot of what it was like growing up in a “hit or miss” church situation as a kid. But one phrase I remember repeating at the Congregational Church in my hometown was, “Make a joyful noise unto God, all ye lambs.” At least that’s what I thought Mrs. ”H” was saying to us from Psalm 66. And I thought it until, as an adult, I read it for myself. What the psalmist actually wrote translates into English as, “Make a joyful noise unto God, all ye LANDS” (KJV, emphasis mine).

Now lambs wouldn’t be awful because God’s people are lambs belonging to the Good Shepherd. But having said that, it is good to know the real charge given to all people. You see, on this Sunday, indeed every day, the world’s inhabitants are moved to make a joyful noise to the God who has created them. Do we? Do you?

A joyful noise is given not by people whose lives are always joyful. No, the joy comes from knowing and being known by the God to whom we sing, or shout, or make any noise. Even “silent noise.” So reader, make a joyful noise today unto the God who made you, who loves You, who sent His Son to save You. May He hear from You and me today.


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