Rainbow Treasure

Posted by Craig Britton on

Tenth Sunday after Pentecost: Old Testament, Genesis 9:8-17

Genesis 9:8-17

If you want to know God’s perspective on any issue to which His revelation speaks, it’s a good idea to begin with the first time that issue is addressed in His Word. Perhaps it’s only once and that may make discernment easier. Rainbows are popular as decoration. Sun catchers. Stickers and decals. Perhaps even jewelry. The rainbow has been hijacked in our culture to be the symbol for something God speaks against in His Word. Another topic for another day.

But suffice it to say that our Old Testament reading for the week paints a clear picture of what the rainbow means to God. It is a sign of one of His great promises. This happens to be a promise to all earthly creation. It’s not only a phenomenon of the weather. It’s a reminder to God (remember we use human ideas for God to better understand Him) that He promised the patriarch Noah that He would never again destroy the world by way of a flood. The rainbow should be treasured by the Lord’s people. Not worshiped nor tagged as superstition. But as the Lord looks down to see the bow in the clouds, we look up and look beyond the beautiful ribbon of colors to a Father who keeps His promises. Remember HIM the next time a rainbow graces your skies.


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