Patience and Pickiness

Posted by Craig Britton on

Proper 11: Gospel, Matthew 13:24-30, 36-43

It’s no secret to readers of the New Testament that Jesus of Nazareth is an avid and skilled storyteller. Matthew thirteen is one of those classic locations to sit and listen to Him as He tells stories. And not just any stories, but those that have distinct and important points. Our Gospel reading for tomorrow is that famous parable of “The Wheat and the Tares.” A couple things I want to put on display: Patience and pickiness. I’m glad for both in terms of our Lord’s work.

Jesus spins a story about one who sows seed and one who sows not-so-good seed. The second portion of our reading explains the first, but may I comment on what is truly good news? Good seed=God’s kids. Bad seed=Spawn of Satan. It’s pretty drastic a distinction and as the seed grows in the field, they are at some points indistinguishable. At least that’s what you take away when there is portrayal of a possible too-soon harvesting of the entire field. Jesus explains the marked difference, but it is one that you and I often do not see and I would add cannot see at times. The ones called on to make harvest work of both wheat and weeds are the very angels of God sent out at just the right time.

God’s patience points to His plan. God’s pickiness to His accomplished work. We must be wary in our walking through this world. God doesn’t want us to pew-sit with questionable thoughts about our neighbors on either side. But he does want us to be discerning that there are those whose teaching is deceptive, and its fruit thoroughly damaged. And some do sit, worship and perhaps even teach among us at times. Remember St. Paul’s warnings regarding wolves among us.

The good news is God knows. He knows rightness and ripeness in regard to the harvest and we can walk with Him in this adventure being cautious and yet resting fully in his crop management expertise. God probably doesn’t don a straw hat and dusty overalls but He is a mighty fine farmer.


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