One of Those

Posted by Craig Britton on

Twenty-first Sunday after Pentecost: Gospel, Mark 10:17-22                      

Mark 10:17-22

Stunning. Simply stunning. This is one of those pieces of Holy Scripture, when you read it you simply cannot be in the middle. It’s Law and Gospel. It’s human achievement and divine gift. It’s listening and doing. But like all Scripture, if it is read correctly, Jesus is the center. And in the midst of confused men, like the one highlighted in this text, Jesus gives a couple things away. And I don't want to minimize them by calling them “things.” First, Jesus is “looking” at the man in question. He doesn’t dismiss him. He doesn’t talk past him. After all, this man has knelt in the presence of God. And why? Not because he is earning the gaze of Jesus. He has it.  And has had it. Second, Jesus “loved him.” And this is no temporary, fleeting emotion. This is divine attention. Jesus loved him, at that moment and since his conception. Indeed from before the foundation of the world. Stunning.

Jesus gives the man His look and His love. He exhorts the man, “follow me.” Law keeping won’t save him. Earning the accolades of the world won’t save him. Only Jesus can. And Jesus will. This man reminds me of another who “fell” at Jesus’ feet. Mary, in the gospel of John, hanging on His every word. This man does the same. The reward will be greater than he can imagine.


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