O Little Town

Posted by Craig Britton on

Fourth Sunday in Advent: Old Testament, Micah 5:2-5a                        

Micah 5:2-5a

We all know the carol. It’s a song bringing to light the glory that will rest, by God’s plan, upon a very small, out-of-the-way place. Bethlehem. Which interestingly means “House of Bread.” Yes, the bread of life comes from the house of bread. As marvelous as that truth is, there is another truth not revealed for the first time here in Micah 5, but rather once more brought to light. God is great at using the small things in the world and our lives to produce big, BIG results. I know that could sound a bit crass and even commercial. But I am referring to the immensity of God becoming man, doing so “behind the scenes” so to speak and saving the world.

One of the verses of the carol begins, “How silently, how silently the wondrous gift is given …” That is true. Oh yes, it is revealed in a big way to shepherds. But they are those whom no one pays attention to and they are out in the fields by night. No one notices.

Yes God does things in small ways, out-of-the-way places and little towns. It gives all the more glory to Him. I for one am glad for His methods.


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