Not Your Hallmark Card Jesus

Posted by Craig Britton on

Tenth Sunday after Pentecost: Gospel, Luke 12:49-53                                   

Luke 12:49-53

All week we have been looking at the effect of God’s Word and the yearning that God’s people should have for it. Today in the gospel, Jesus characterizes the effect of His Word on relationships between people who hear His Word. And it may be a bit surprising to some. “I came to send fire on the earth, …” says our Lord. Later He asks His hearers, “Do you suppose that I came to give peace on earth? (Think Christmas cards with glitter and angels) I tell you, not at all, but rather division” (Luke 12:51). 

Little Jesus in the manger. Sweet little Jesus boy in the arms of His momma. Jesus greeting and holding the children. Those are often the images we have of the Savior. And they are wonderful. And true. But Jesus has a job to do. Jesus came to die. And it is the very death of Jesus that sets the table for all types of disagreement, argument, and yes at times violent anger.

You see, the issue Jesus came to deal with in His death is our sin. He comes into our flesh in order that He would deal the death blow to our sin. And there are people who love their sin, who want to continue in it, and who don’t want the light of Jesus’ Word to confront it. That’s where the push and shove of division over Jesus shows itself. Families, friends and yes even church members can love their sin more than Jesus and the truth He brings. The division is painful. But it is necessary. And even the division God wants to use so that those in error would see it plainly, repent, and believe the gospel. 

Unfortunately, the division doesn’t always find resolution. But God’s Word is at work. Let’s be sure we don’t create a Jesus with a task and message that massages our sin rather than putting it on His cross. Jesus brings division. He knows what He’s doing.

NOTE: The devotions from my office will cease for the coming week. We will join up again with the weekly readings on Tuesday August 23 for the twelfth week of Pentecost. Just a bit of a summer hiatus. God be with you all.


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