Not Your Everyday Bible Class

Posted by Craig Britton on

Easter 3: Gospel, Luke 24:13-35

If you are a Bible teacher, then you must love this passage. It is the quintessential Bible class given on the go with no prep, no quiz and only one installment. The Emmaus Road encounter between Jesus and a couple of his companions on the very night of the resurrection, marks one of the great revelatory accounts in the Bible. The instructor is the subject.

Two disciples in somewhat of a defeated mood are walking, talking and yes in a way mourning the loss of their friend when POOF! This guy comes up alongside and wants to join the conversation. Playing dumb, He listens to them relay the happenings that captured Jerusalem in the past several days and they marvel that this stranger is so unaware. How do we handle “strangers” that might happen in a conversation between us and other believers? This isn’t a lesson from Jesus on how to teach the Bible, but He certainly doesn’t waste a good opportunity. And I’m glad the Savior lets us in on the journey.

Fast forward. I want you to go find the details. Jesus asks some rather pointed questions and the companions through a “shared meal,” educate Jesus on their interpretation of His “life and times.” There’s a MAJOR miracle in the meal so do go back and read the account. But when the Savior has made His exit, being recognized only moments before, verse 32 says, “They said to each other, ‘Did not our hearts burn within us while he talked to us on the road, while He opened to us the Scriptures?’” Now THAT's what I hope my students of any age will say when they leave one of my classes. Not because of me, but because Jesus coming to us in His Word is the cause of that response and He loves to show up whenever His Word is taught.

St. Augustine said of Jesus teaching these men the OT, “All that there is of those former Scriptures tells of Christ; but only if it finds ears.” What a great line. But only if it finds ears. I’m sure you get it. We have to be made ready to receive by Christ, to hear what He actually says. I want that kind of burn. How about you?

Lord Jesus Christ, come to us, Your children and make us ready to hear and receive all that You have to speak to us every time we open Your Word. And don’t ever stop coming. Amen!


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