No Doubt

Posted by Craig Britton on

Seventh Sunday after Pentecost: Old Testament, Ezekiel 2:1-5

Ezekiel 2:1-5

Boy, oh boy the religious culture of our day is filled with voices. Myriads of voices who all claim to not only speak for God (whoever that is), but to speak for Him with clarity and specificity. Now at the same time there are lots of “religious hacks” out there who speak with neither clarity nor specificity. What is one to do? How do I tell who has it right? How do I know when the Bible God (the only true and living God) is truly speaking? Great and important question and I will attempt a brief answer.

The one who speaks for God will claim His authority, use His name, and speak in accord with all the written record that has been faithfully received by those to whom His revelation is pointed. And it won’t just line up with what is written in some mechanical, cold way. It will give witness accurately to God’s primary mission in the world, namely, the saving of sinners by the work and merit of a holy God.

Jesus, in the tenth chapter of John makes it clear. Verse 27 reads, “My sheep hear My voice, and I know them, and they follow Me.” Jesus, the culmination and pinnacle of God’s self-revelation, leaves no doubt that the Word of God always points to Him. The true prophets of God and the true message of God always directs our gaze to Jesus. Jesus says so.


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