
Posted by Craig Britton on

Epiphany 6: Epistle, 1 Corinthians 10:31-11:1        

1 Corinthians 10:31-11:1

You know there are a few texts in the Bible that need not a lot of explanation. The epistle lesson for this week is like that. 1 Corinthians is a letter that was written to address lots of wrong thinking in that young congregation, the one in Corinth. Lots of issues Paul addressed and there are a couple points of summation that will help to rein in the wrong thinking and doing of the Christians there.

Two points of motivation for them and for us: Live with everything you have for the glory of God. And next, live with all you have for the salvation of others. The practical example is Paul himself. Not a perfect example, but one just like us who can fail miserably, but who can also live in the triumph which only God can supply. One immensely important point to remember is that we don’t live for Him so that He will give us the means to win. We’ve already been given that. We simply get the joy of living in a perpetual “yes” to the gift. 

Soli Deo Gloria!


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