Loving My Place

Posted by Craig Britton on

Proper 26: Gospel, Matthew 23:1-12                              

Matthew 23:1-12

Jesus has just given his opponents an Old Testament defense of his identity that is unmistakable and unshakable. Jesus is David’s son and Lord. Period. And our gospel this week begins with Jesus giving instruction to his disciples that following the word of their leaders is fine, but don’t follow their practice. They do not love the ways of the Lord of David.

We love position, by nature. All of us do. And Jesus has chosen to teach of his exalted position in regard to the “first” David in order to highlight what is really key to his identity. Serving. Now that doesn’t sound exciting to them at all. And it doesn’t get the attention of film makers or online story tellers or even ours. Think of how Jesus is usually portrayed in our culture. On film he is handsome, dark, usually blue-eyed (which I never get) and somewhat soft-spoken. When he is referenced at all, it’s as the mild-ordered and sweet Jesus who ruffles no feathers. But Jesus is here to serve and that in and of itself makes us uncomfortable.

We often chide our Old Testament family for missing the Lord the first time he came because they were expecting a strong, uncompromising deliverer.  A fighter. They got one. But the weapons he donned were unexpected. Perhaps we’re just as adept at missing the real Jesus.

God’s words wrapped not with the hypocrisy of the Pharisees, but with the genuineness of obedience to his Father. Our Father. Jesus upsets the proverbial apple cart of the world precisely because he comes to serve. And that to the fullest extent (John 13:1). Jesus didn’t come to highlight his titles-which he rightly and absolutely carries with dignity and power-but to show that real power bows low. “The greatest among you shall be your servant” (Matthew 23:11).

Lord, today, what would you have me do?


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