Light Source

Posted by Craig Britton on

Proper 27: Gospel, Matthew 25:1-13                                       

Matthew 25:1-13

Jesus is in the midst of calling our attention to last things in the final great discourse in Matthew. And He begins in this twenty-fifth chapter with the parable of the ten virgins. It’s about the anticipation of meeting the Bridegroom, the prestige of being a guest at the wedding, and the way of entrance. Jesus has hit upon this same general theme in another place, but here the “entrance fee” is oil. And here, oil is akin to faith. Looking at the bridegroom requires light for sure recognition, and the wise virgins tend their lamps (lives) with an abundance of faith. It’s a picture of the stewardship of a gift. And the foolish virgins have given attention to other things.

Jesus calls all to the feast, but as in other stories, only those meeting the Master’s criteria find entrance. Others are not known to the Master of the feast, the Bridegroom, and therefore are left outside in disgrace and darkness. 

Jesus, the Bridegroom is coming. And in the true narrative of God’s story we are the bride. May our lamps be well-trimmed and full to the brim. Surely, the Bridegroom will recognize us in the lamp’s glow. Fill your lamp!


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