Jesus Wept

Posted by Craig Britton on

Fifth Sunday in Lent: Gospel, John 11:1-45                           

John 11:1-45

We all know a little verse tucked in this reading. In fact, it is known as the shortest verse in the Bible. If I can throw in a “modern” thought: Good things come in small packages. John 11:35 reads simply, “Jesus wept.” In the context of the account of which it is a part, it seems or can seem a bit odd. Jesus is life. Jesus is the resurrection and the life. He says so. And He knows what He is planning on doing for His dead friend. So, tears?

As we take in this rather long reading be aware of the God of the universe allowing tears to form and fall for the love of His friend. And not only because of love, (this is no bare sentimentalism) but perhaps because of the tragedy of death itself. Jesus knows the answer. He is that answer and still He allows death to break His heart. Perhaps because it never was His plan for us.

God grieving over death. God grieving over the fact that we, His children, ever had to taste it. Jesus wept. And my, what those tears reveal if we have eyes to see. God grant it. Amen!


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